All advertisements submitted to IJMPHS must be original and created particularly for publication in the journal. Advertisers are not permitted to replicate or reproduce content from other sources without proper authority.
Advertisements should not infringe on any third-party's intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademark, or patent. Before any advertisement is published, it will undergo a thorough editorial screening process.
If an advertisement refers or depends on third-party data, research, or material, proper attribution is required. Citations and references should be used to acknowledge the original creators.
Advertisers must acquire permission from copyright holders before using any copyrighted material in their advertisements.
Advertisements including licensed or copyrighted material (e.g., photos, videos, music) must have the necessary permissions, licenses, or rights to utilize the content. Advertisers are responsible for getting the required permits and producing proof of consent when requested.
Advertisers who are proven to be involved in plagiarism or other violations of intellectual property rights will have their adverts rejected immediately. Repeat violations may result in a ban on future advertising with IJMPHS.
In the event of purposeful and severe plagiarism, IJMPHS maintains the right to report the occurrence to appropriate authorities.
IJMPHS invites readers, writers, and stakeholders to report suspected instances of plagiarism in promotional materials to the editorial team. Reports can be sent by email or through our official website.
Reports will be kept strictly confidential, and people who report suspected occurrences of plagiarism will suffer no repercussions.
All employees and stakeholders participating in the advertising process will get ongoing training and awareness initiatives on plagiarism, copyright laws, and the value of creating unique content.
IJMPHS recognizes that different regions may have different rules and regulations governing advertising, copyright, and plagiarism. When submitting advertisements, advertisers must ensure that they comply with all applicable local legislation.
This advertising policy will be evaluated on a regular basis to guarantee its relevance and effectiveness in combating plagiarism.
IJMPHS has the right to revise this policy as needed and notify any affected parties.
By following to this advertising policy, IJMPHS aspires to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards while providing excellent advertising opportunities to businesses and organizations looking to reach our varied audience.